In quite a few matrimonial cases they are not confined within the realm of civil and family laws, wherein creulty or any harm is caused to the wife by the husband, family or relatives. Such cases can have criminal background too. Generally, wherever there is a cruelty exercised by the husband, his family or any of his relative upon the wife in regard to the demand of dowry or for any other reason, a criminal case under section 498A of IPCis registered against the husband and the other relatives who are causing such cruelty or whosoever name is mentioned in the complaint by the wife. Along with this a case under section 406 of IPC is registered for criminal breach of trust beside other provision of IPC and Dowry Prohibitions Act.
The husband and his relatives, the defendants in these cases have to apply for the interim protection, anticipatory bail and regular bail etc to avoid arrest and contest the case in the court by filing the response. We at Usha Tanna provides our expertise and services in both defending as well as prosecuting the case. We have great understanding and vast court experience in this regard. We try to effectively negotiate and settle the matter amicably between the two enraged parties, so that the families can be saved from the traumatic experience of criminal proceedings.